MiCROTEC - SCA Timber relying once again on Logeye scanners

SCA Timber relying once again on Logeye scanners

SCA Timber relying once again on Logeye scanners




SCA Tunadal


New saw line and log sorting in Sweden features Multi-Sensor Quality Scanners

SCA Tunadal sawmill is located in Sundsvall, Sweden, in the county of Västernorrland. Five years ago, the Tunadal production site was upgraded with a new Springer log sorting line, including two Microtec Logeye 300 log scanners, which included full 3D shape scanning, X-ray scanning for detection of internal wood properties as well as surface image color scanning. One Logeye scanner measures the logs’ volume for payment, performing the log diameter measurement under-bark. The second Logeye 300 is used for log sorting, providing precise measurement results without bark, as well as providing images for documentation.


In the most recent project, SCA chose Microtec to supply additional four Logeye 300 measurement systems, which brings the total to six Microtec Logeye measurement devices running at the Tunadal production site.


One of the four new Logeye systems is positioned at the saw infeed, for which Springer supplied all of the mechanical equipment as well as PLC controls. Three more are installed on the Linck saw line: the first provides the exact 3D shape for log turning optimization, the second provides 3D shape information of the 2-sided cant after the first set of chipping heads to check the alignment and optimize the cant for the second chipper. Finally, the third provides 3D shape information of the 4-sided cant for sideboard profiler optimization.


By installing the new saw line and with continued fine-tuning this summer, SCA is proud to have the fastest saw line in Sweden, and were able to dismantle three existing saw lines.

»SCA Tunadal particularly relies on measurement devices made by Microtec, as the proven technology delivers constant and reliable results. Furthermore, with a forwarding speed at the saw infeed of up to 200 m/min, that means 42-43 logs per minute, it is necessary to have the best equipment«

Katarina Levin

Mill manager at SCA Tunadal